Virtualbox arch failed to load kernal modules
Virtualbox arch failed to load kernal modules

virtualbox arch failed to load kernal modules /etc/init.d/vboxballoonctrl-service: not found /etc/init.d/vboxautostart-service: not found I am going to post just one part of the file because vbox-install.log have to many lines./ 343. (Look at /var/log/vbox-install.log to find out what went wrong) The program still running but I can't load the virtual machine so I run that command to and the out put was. You will not be able to start VMs until this problem is fixed.

virtualbox arch failed to load kernal modules

Please recompile the kernel module and install it by Either there is no moduleĪvailable for the current kernel (3.14-kali1-amd64) or it failed to Still no dice? ls /etc/mod* Poke around in those files.To delete all the Obsoletes files that aptitude show me big mistake I guess after that I update the system everything works fine but when I restart the system and I want to load the virtual machine I got this error WARNING: The vboxdrv kernel module is not loaded. Update drivers, the initramfs I use, isnt updated = failures ahoy). (Hint: mine is broken because my initramfs file is updated in /boot but I boot from /boot/efi. This will bring your initramfs (contains drivers necessary for booting, nvidia may or may not be in here) up to sync with what you're actually using.

virtualbox arch failed to load kernal modules

Overwrite the file you just took a cp backup of. mkinitcpio -g /boo/efi/init-420.img but thats MY file name. To try a fix on this, do mkinitcpio by itself.

virtualbox arch failed to load kernal modules

What is that file name? Mine for example (again efistub) is /boot/efi/init-420.img Take note of one that is NOT named Fallback. Ls -Flah /boot and-or ls -Flah /boot/efi to find your initramfs files. Maybe they didn't exist? The answers to install it are correct in that case but let's try something else first. Is this a fresh installation? Did you use Manjaro architect?ĭo dmesg | more and look around, this may help to clue you as to what really went wrong. So I have to copy the new initramfs over - or really just make a new one. How do you boot, Grub? I run into this problem ANY time I do a Pacman update because I use EFI Stub (Boot the kernel directly - there is no "bootloader" to keep it simple) and as a result, initramfs has modules in it that get updated and do not match what's on my root filesystem. So yes the other comment is correct it looks like your nvidia driver failed to load.

Virtualbox arch failed to load kernal modules